
Toilet Training

Although we require children to be toilet trained prior to starting with us, we understand there may be an accident from time to time, particularly for our 3 year olds. Our staff will encourage independence, but will assist your child with toilet time if needed. This is true especially during the first month or so as they transition into the classroom environment. After this initial time period, most children are independent (you would be surprised how independent children become without their parents around). If a child is just not quite ready for independent toileting, we would recommend a pull-up to avoid accidents all together. We ask that you ensure your child wears clothing that is easy for them to get in and out of. A few minutes at home practicing with buttons, zippers and snaps is helpful.

There are different levels of readiness, but it all starts with the child being able to communicate when they must go to the washroom (Educators will be constantly reminding students as well).

If a child has an accident while class is in session, the parent will be notified and be required to come themselves or send someone on their behalf to the classroom as soon as possible to help the child and take them home or change them. Repeated accidents may result in fees and/or a family being asked to temporarily withdraw their child until toilet training is completed.

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